State Legislature

Search for state law, state codes and state legislature, including bills, commitee meetings, calendars and agendas, see the legislative calendars. Research civil code and state code. To search for a bill, resolution or constitutional amendment; session, House of origin. In the United States of America, a state legislature is a term referring to the legislative body of any of the country's 50 states. The formal name varies from state to state. In 24 states, the legislature is simply called the "Legislature," or the "State Legislature", while in 19 states, the legislature is called the "General Assembly." In Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the legislature is called the "General Court," while North Dakota and Oregon designate the legislature as the "Legislative Assembly." Each state in the United States has a legislative branch as part of its form of civil government. Most of the fundamental details of the legislature are specified in the state constitution. Forty-nine (49) state legislatures are bicameral bodies, composed of a lower house (Assembly, General Assembly, State Assembly, House of Delegates or House of Representatives) and an upper house (Senate). The Nebraska Legislature is the lone unicameral body.

State Code by State