July 27, 2024

Mirabilia Reviews & Ratings

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Review of Dungeon Board Game, the perfect game for a fantasy game night, or a warm-up before your next epic game of DandD the goal is to run through the dungeon, fighting Monsters and collecting as many treasures as you can. Be the first to get out alive with all the treasures. There are 4 classes of Hero, each with a male and female version: Rogue, Cleric, Fighter, and Wizard

  • Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Outstanding

  • Quality
    Editor: 95%
  • Price
    Editor: 95%
  • Overall
    Editor: 95%

Review Summary:

Dungeon! The name says it all! After three decades of tabletop role-playing games and various other board games, Wizards of The Coast finally brought one out that my whole family enjoys. Granted you have less paperwork than the standard pen-and-paper dungeon crawl at your friend Marv’s house, but it’s quicker to set up, learn and play.

Okay….so I had this gift card and wanted a board game for the whole family to play. Growing up playing D&D and playing it with the wife, I was intrigued by this game. In recent years, I’ve given WoTC a wide berth, especially since they took over TSR and D&D, but I thought I’d give it a go. It was FUN! The longest part of the initial set up was popping out the little counters from their cardboard sheet. The wife and I decided to play it once, see if it would be something the kids would understand, let alone like. We almost forgot to call them in, we were so engrossed. We had the basic game play down in five minutes; the kids got the knack in about as little time.

The only real challenges were devising strategies based on which character we chose and the levels they were allowed to attempt and keeping the various cards and counters from getting all mixed up or flung about with every toss of the dice. I think our biggest gripe, other than the level vs. class restrictions, was that the Cleric…a holy warrior….did not have access to their spells and were surprisingly weak against undead. Clerics who are the scourge of the undead? Whose divine powers are used to vanquish the unquiet dead with but a word and staunch resistance and absolute faith? Now, nothing more than a weaker whack-bonk warrior ….methinks a rewrite needs be affected.

Even with the underlying issues, our family fully enjoyed playing this game, even to the extent that the children look forward to another bout every week. Definitely worth the $20! Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to take my wizard through another tunnel and quash a dragon.


  • Quick setup
  • Easy to learn (even children pick it up pretty quick)
  • Fun and engaging for the whole family
  • Can be played solo or with up to 8 players
  • Cons

  • No Cleric spells
  • No dividers for various card types
  • Dungeon levels restricted to classes