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Vikings: War of Clans – Shamans

A the end of 2017 Plarium introduced Shamans to the Game of Vikings War of Clans. Shamans like heroes add capabilities, have gear and added benefits. You can switch between Shamans for free without using gold as you do with heroes but you manually changed their gear, unlike hero sets.

There are six Shamans introduced. Each account after level 12 can build the Hall of Mysteries and the Rune Workshop. As soon as you build the Hall of Mysteries you are granted your first and free Shaman: Baggi the Big.  I am sure there will be more Shamans introduced as we are missing one for Cavalry and Killers.

Each Shaman has a specialty:

  • Baggi the Big helps with Construction and Production.
  • Inga the Wise helps with Knowledge and Troop Training
  • Wendla of Shadow is for your scouts and spying
  • Ulf the Brave is for Melee strength
  • Stieg the Sharp is for Ranged strength
  • Einar the Free is for Siege strength (And it is not free)

So all the Shamans with the exception of Baggi you need to purchase the packs in order to get them and grow them.

Unlike heroes Shamans have two forms of growth stages and levels so unless you increase the stage you will get stuck in a level. In order to level up the stages you need charms. Baggi charms are available in clan stores whereas for other shamans you need to buy packs. There are six stages for each Shaman and 60 levels. Your levels go up the same way as with heroes by doing activities, attacks, and tasks. By upgrading your Hall of Mysteries as well as your new Shaman knowledge tree you can boost your growth faster. You also are provided a boost for Shamans Experience where you can apply to increase the speed of applying experience by activities. Hall of Mysteries at level 31 provides a 375% boost to the shaman experience. And Rune workshop increases the fusing speed by 375% at level 31.

Shamans can bring a lot more power to your account, and help you produce more and save on buildings and knowledge. By upgrading to each stage you increase the benefits for each type of shaman and by leveling up you get points for your skill tree as you do with the hero. Once completed it adds a considerable amount of power.

Viking War of Clans Baggi Shaman

With Shamans you were also introduced Ghosts that appear as invaders did for heroes. Shamans fight these Ghosts to get prizes and ruin fragments. Then in the Rune Workshop, you get to fuse 1000 fragments into one rune which then you need to fuse and build up. Runes like gems add bonuses to your shaman and hero gear. But are harder to get and fuse and cost a lot of silver to fuse them.

The Shaman knowledge tree like the hero knowledge tree also has benefits for defense and attack. However, keep in mind it is designed with a lot of interdependency and uses a lot of resources to level up this tree. But it definitely helps especially for bigger accounts. Also before investing in fighting ghosts for runes, especially for attack ruins it is better to increase your knowledge tree level as much as possible and plan on attacking higher level 6 ghosts otherwise you don’t get enough to fuse. As runes are given in fragments and by fusing you start at a simple level and you need four to fuse up each level to finally get to legendary runes.

Bonuses of Baggi the Big Shaman:

Food Production
Silver Production
Resource Production

Bonuses of Inga the Wise Shaman:

Learning Speed
Knowledge Learning Cost
Training Speed
Number of Warriors in Training

Bonuses of Wendla-of-Shadow Shaman:

Scout Offense
Scout Defense
Scout Health
Tier I -VI Scout Training Cost

Bonuses of Ulf the Brave Shaman:

Melee Offense
Melee Defense
Melee Health
Tier I -VI Scout Training Cost

Bonuses of Stieg the Sharp Shaman:

Ranged Offense
Ranged Defense
Ranged Health
Tier I -VI Scout Training Cost

Bonuses of Einar the Free Shaman:

Siege Offense
Siege Defense
Siege Health
Tier I -VI Scout Training Cost

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